Asia & Pasifika Panelists
Wei Huang
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Shanghai University
Gerald O. West
Professor Emeritus, Fellow of the University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
Allan Samuel Palanna
Department of Theology and Ethics, United Theological College, Bangalore
Hadje Sadje
Faculty, School of Global Studies, Foundation Academy of Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Volker Küster
Professor of Comparative Religion and Missiology, Faculty of Protestant Theology, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz
Sithembiso S. Zwane
Lecturer in Theology and Development, School of Religion, Philosophy and Classics, University of KwaZulu-Natal
South Africa
Kuzipa Nalwamba
Lecturer of Ecumenical Social Ethics at Bossesy Ecumenical Institute & Programme Exectutive for Ecumenical Theological Education (ETE), World Council of Churches, Geneva
Anthony G. Reddie
Extraordinary Professor, Theological Ethics, University of South Africa
Director, The Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford